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Quick Mold Change System

    • Decreased mold change time
    • Fully customizable to fit a wide range of machines
    • Safer operations
    • Reduced labor costs
    • Easy changeover for small batch runs


Forwell has been a pioneer of Quick Mold Change Systems for many years. With over 20 years of experience in developing these systems they can offer you the best for your molding operations. These fully customizable Quick Mold Change Systems drastically minimize setup times, maximize efficiency and increase safety.

Forwell’s Quick Mold Change System can be designed to fit almost any injection molding machine and mold casting machine to allow for quicker mold change times, resulting in shorter machine down time and increased productivity. This system uses a special mold clamp that does not require a cut out on the mold, increasing its application versatility and allowing it to be used with a large number of different molds.

Quick Mold Change Systems can rapidly transform your workshop, allowing for easy changeover for small batches, reduced labor costs and reduced stock holding. Coupling this system with a Mold Cart System will allow for fully automatic mold changing, further increasing the efficiency and productivity of your manufacturing operations.

Mold Cart System Layouts

Forwell can design the most practical and efficient Quick Die Change System according to your plant layout and equipment. To further improve the efficiency of your mold changes, this system can be paired with Forwell’s Mold Cart System to create a fully automatic mold change system for your plastic injection production lines. When establishing a new production facility, please contact Forwell directly to see how beneficial a Quick Mold Change System and Mold Cart System can be for enhancing your productivity. Below you can see the different layout configurations possible when combining Forwell’s Quick Mold Change System with Forwell’s Mold Cart System:

Two Molds on a Moving Car

Mold Cart System with a 2-mold cart for quick and automatic horizontal loading of molds.

Single Mold on a Fixed Cart

Mold Cart System with a single mold for quick and easy loading of molds.

Double Sided Cart Layout

Mold Cart System that loads molds for machines positioned either side of the cart.

Double Sided Cart Layout

Machines are facing the same direction

Parallel Machine Cart Layout

Mold changes are performed using a 2-mold cart that serves two or more injection molding machines that are positioned along one line. This allows for a wide application of quick mold changing.

Mold Loading

Vertical Type

Most of the molds for injection molding and mold casting machines are fitted vertically. FORWELL Q.M.C.S however adopts removable mold changing system that not only saves idle time for enhanced production efficiency but also spurs even rationalized and automated production management.

Horizontal Type

When molds are fitted horizontally, mold changing cart can be used for safe operation, realizing quick mold changing for the entire factory. This increases automation and improves mold delivery and storage rates.

Effects of Introducing QMCS



Manual Operation
While Die/Mold changing, it takes long time and manpower to tighten.
Only touch the buttons on the control panel.
The tightening force will be different by different operators.
The clamping force is the same. Increased safety.
Operators waste much manpower, increased injury happened.
By control panel, operators save manpower and decrease injury happened.
No alarm notification while the screws are loosing.
With alarm device, the machine will stop immediately.

System Selection

There are a number of available options for the Quick Mold Change System so be sure to choose the correct pump model and mold clamps that best suit your injection molding and mold casting operations.

Explanation of Model Numbers
Enlarge Specification
Ton Clamp Pump Model
Moving PCS Fixed PCS Total
~ 150 TY-2 4 TY-2 4 16TON FP6308U-□-□C
~ 250 TY-4 4 TY-4 4 32TON FP1014U-□-□C
~ 350 TY-6 4 TY-6 4 48TON
~ 550 TY-10 4 TY-10 4 80TON
~ 850 TY-16 4 TY-16 4 128TON
~ 1000 TY-16 6 TY-16 6 192TON
~ 1300 TY-25 4 TY-25 4 200TON
~ 1600 TY-25 6 TY-25 6 300TON
~ 2500 TY-25 8 TY-25 8 400TON
~ 3000 TY-50 6 TY-50 6 600TON