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Home News Corporate Zhang County Xiao Clan Chairman handed over, Forwell Chief Executive Xiao Yancheng was appointed

Zhang County Xiao Clan Chairman handed over, Forwell Chief Executive Xiao Yancheng was appointed


This month (12th), the Xiao Clan Association of Changhua County held the first member representative meeting of the ninth session and the handover ceremony of the eighth and ninth presidents at the Yuanlin Huangchao Ding Banquet Hall, inviting clan members from all over Taiwan to attend Watching the ceremony, Lin Tianfu, the deputy magistrate of Changhua County, delivered a speech and presented souvenirs to the scene. Manager Xiao Yucheng was appointed.

Lin Tianfu, deputy magistrate of Changhua County, said in his speech that the Xiao Clan Association of Changhua County has been doing its best for the local area for a long time, and has done many good deeds. On behalf of Changhua County, presented souvenirs to Xiao Zuozhong, the eighth president, and Xiao Wucheng, the succeeding ninth president, as a token of gratitude and congratulations.

Xiao Yucheng said that he has participated in many associations and has experience in participating in association affairs. The biggest difference between the clan association and other associations is that the main purpose of the clan association itself is to unite the blood, trace the source, and make the Xiao clan Parents have a deeper understanding of their own history, inherit the concept of "family" in Chinese culture, including good traditions such as filial piety, drinking water and thinking about the source, inherit the past and usher in the future, and will continue to work hard during the term of office to continue the Lanling spirit of the Xiao Clan Association. Carry forward, inherit and educate the next generation.

Another highlight of this conference was the announcement by Xiao Wenlong, the honorary president of the Taiwan Xiao Clan Association and president of FORWELL Technology Group, that Hsiao Business Network International (HBNI) was officially promoted, mainly for the purpose of serving the Xiao Clan Dear friends, we provide an exclusive enterprise communication platform.

Xiao Wenlong said that the Xiao family members are full of talents. By promoting the "HBNI Xiao Enterprise" platform, the clan members all over the world can have an exclusive enterprise platform. They can upload company information, business cards and other information to this platform to communicate with each other and connect with each other. , It is also expected to create new business opportunities and seek cooperation opportunities, so that the clansmen who serve in the enterprise have the opportunity to shine

Shaw Clan Association: