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Home News Corporate Xiao Wenlong, President of Fuwei Group, was elected as an excellent director and supervisor of industrial and mining groups, and his public welfare footprints have spread all over the world

Xiao Wenlong, President of Fuwei Group, was elected as an excellent director and supervisor of industrial and mining groups, and his public welfare footprints have spread all over the world

Written by Chen, Ren-yi

Xiao Wenlong, who has joined the Taiwan Machinery Manufacturers Association for 26 years and is the current executive director of Fu Wei Technology Group, has been elected as the "Excellent Manager of Industrial and Mining Groups" in the 111 year of the National Federation of Industries due to his long-term active participation in promoting conference affairs and dedication since he served as a director and supervisor. supervisor". Xiao Wenlong has served as the 25th to 29th supervisor, director, and executive director of the association since 1998. He not only enthusiastically promotes the conference affairs, but also actively assists the directors of each session to promote various conference affairs activities, which has made the association awarded the Ministry of the Interior. In recognition of the "Excellent", "Extra Excellent" performance groups, and the "25th National Quality Award", they have spared no effort in promoting conference affairs and contributed a lot. They have also devoted themselves to social assistance and public welfare activities and public welfare associations for many years, and donated money and effort to help care and care for the disadvantaged. ethnic group.

The Taiwan Machinery Association stated that during Xiao Wenlong's tenure as an executive director, in addition to actively attending the meeting of the board of directors and supervisors, he also visited various business activities and meetings such as the friendship between member manufacturers of Bai Plastic Enterprise, Dongpei Industry, Yongjin Machinery, and Taichung Precision Machine Factory to strengthen the industry. The emotions and exchanges among peers promote mutual observation and learning and experience sharing among peers, unite the solidarity of the industry, and spare no effort to promote conference affairs. They also accompany the chairman and the supervisory team to visit Hon Hai Chairman Guo Taiming, Changhua County Mayor Wang Huimei, etc., and immediately respond to manufacturers. Relevant government units put forward industry suggestions, and won the 28th "Exemplary Supervisor Award" of the association. At the same time, he also served as an editorial member of the association's "Machinery Information" monthly magazine, and jointly planned the publication content of the annual publication in the editorial meeting, providing the latest domestic and foreign industries. Provide information and exhibition materials to member manufacturers, assist member manufacturers to promote domestic and foreign markets, and strive for business opportunities.

From 104 to 110 years of the Republic of China, Xiao Wenlong served as the chairman of the metal forming professional committee of the guild. He tried his best to help solve the suggestions and feedbacks of the members. Meeting attendance is the highest every time. In order to strengthen industrial exchanges and interactions, in 2018, he personally led 40 members from the Changhua area to visit the new Huai'an factory of Fuwei Company, and subsidized the travel expenses of each visiting member representative. Since 2011, he has taken over as the chairman of the Changhua District Service Office of the association, listened to the opinions of member manufacturers to fight for rights and interests, and actively gathered the solidarity of member manufacturers.

Even during the epidemic, in addition to various routine work, Xiao Wenlong also cared for all member manufacturers, carried out many epidemic prevention-related responses, assisted in obtaining various relief guidance and subsidies from the government, strengthened information exchange without interruption, and continued to improve Service quality, with the basic tenet and goal of actively striving for the rights and interests of members, doing its best to serve all member manufacturers, expecting to recuperate during the epidemic, optimize the internal business of its own enterprises, and continue to strive to grasp orders from the international market.

Since Xiao Wenlong, the executive director of the Taiwan Machinery Association, has been serving as a director and supervisor, he has not only devoted himself to the promotion of the association's conference affairs and assisting member manufacturers, but also participated in public welfare affairs, associations and multinational public welfare assistance for many years. He used to be the district director of the International Lions Club and Taiwan Xiao The president of the Clan Association, the current director of the Family Support Foundation, etc., especially founded the "ESG" concept of the corporate lion club - Fuwei Lions Club, and held more than 100 blood donation activities every year, the 9th National Calligraphy Competition (currently due to The epidemic has been suspended), donating large double-door blood donation vehicles, adopting disadvantaged children, emergency relief, etc., the public welfare footprint can be said to be all over the world, and the blood public welfare also spares no effort.