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Home News Corporate Changhua Dream Realization Charity Group sends love, inspirational dream factory builds the future

Changhua Dream Realization Charity Group sends love, inspirational dream factory builds the future

Written by Chen, Wang Mujie

Changhua Lizhi Middle School was restructured from the "Changhua Juvenile Orientation Institute". It is committed to the school's students' right to education and training skills. "One", the Changhua Dream Realization Charity Group learned of the school's plan and made a donation on the 17th of this month at the Tianzhong campus in Changhua to support the school's promotion of the "Inspirational Dream Factory" and provide students with opportunities to create the future.

The school students are minors who are subject to reformation education, and their status is neither "prisoners" nor "students". Lin Jiaru, the principal of Lizhi Middle School, considers that the school's students have the right to receive education, and at the same time considers that the effect of simple reformation education is not ideal. He should assist the students Cultivate career development and have hope for the future, so he promoted the "Inspirational Dream Works" platform to build the future of students. Lin Jiaru said that the school is a technical high school and an experimental correction high school. It provides a variety of courses to make students adaptable. To develop and try our best to support students' dreams. We hope that "Inspirational Dream Factory" will become a bridge of love between current students and their families and a relay station between graduates and society in the future.

The "Inspirational Dream Works" is expensive, with an initial estimate of 15 million yuan. It faced great challenges in the early stages of its establishment. After being informed by the Changhua Dream Charity Group, on the 17th of this month, the honorary president, director of the Jiafu Foundation, and Fu Wei Xiao Wenlong, President of the Technology Group, and Chen Youcai, the founding chairman, called for the completion of the first phase of fundraising, with a total of more than 1.6 million yuan, and went to the school to donate in person. The chairman of the association, Chen Youcai, has shown his hard work and kindness to the students returning to society after graduation.

Xiao Wenlong said that the "Inspirational Dream Factory" is not only a correctional education, but also provides vocational training. After returning to society in the future, it is not easy to go back and can better integrate into society. During the donation event on the day, the school also specially invited three students who have obtained the baking technician certificate, hairdressing technician certificate and Chinese food technician certificate to make coffee for the guests and share the skills they have learned in the school. He also expressed his gratitude and said that the skills cultivated by the school allowed students to find their future direction. He hoped that they could return to their families as soon as possible with their skills and move everyone present.