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Home News Corporate Changhua County Welfare Group Sent Their Care and Love to the Qi Mei Station in Penghu Funds for Children and Families.

Changhua County Welfare Group Sent Their Care and Love to the Qi Mei Station in Penghu Funds for Children and Families.

Written by Chen, Renyi (陳仁義) on April 22, 2021.

Launched by Director Hsiao, Wen-long of Funds for Children and Families and the Changhua Welfare Group (彰化縣行善團), people went to Penghu on 19th of the month for a three days and two nights welfare trip. This welfare group is composed of Forwell Group, YUDA welfare group (育達慈善會), and YUDA lion’s club. There were 35 of them came to the Qi Mei county (七美鄉) for helping the existing projects in the island by offering their funds. They totally donated 560000 NTD as the funds for Qi Mei service development, expanding economic assistance, digital computer education program, scholarships, and other welfare programs.

This time, participant members include Director Hisao- Wen-long (蕭文龍, former director of Lion’s Club 300-C3 area and president of Forwell Group), Chief of YUDA welfare group Chen, Yushue (陳玉雪), Chief Liu, Quochang (劉國璋) of YUDA Lion’s Club who is also vise CEO of Changhua Children & Families; There were also the former chief Chen, Shui-mei (陳秀美) and vice director Wang, Bao-shui (王寶秀), and there are totally 35 people. They went to Qi Mei station (七美) to offer scholarship and hardware units as the donation in a ceremony. Local vice chairperson of Penghu Fund for Children and Families Chang, Quan-yi (張全一) and committee Zhan, Ting-long (詹廷龍) and the sponsored families received the donation. Qu Mei local official Lyu, Qi-jun (呂啟俊) gave .appreciation certificates to express their thanks, giving out their appreciation to the sources generated by Changhua welfare group(彰化行善團) and Penghu and Qi Mei Children and Families(七美家庭與兒少).

Vice chairperson Chang, Chuan-yi (張全一) of Penghu Fund for Children and Families committee (澎湖家扶扶委會) appreciated these efforts as their endeavors help disadvantaged families as well as the Penghu Fund Children and Families committee.

Penghu Fund for Children and Families gave appreciation certificates to express their thanks and gave hand-made little fish artifacts made by those supported families to the Changhua County Welfare group (彰化縣行善團). These gifts are given to express their great appreciations.

Director Chen, Jian-hong (陳建宏) of Penghu Fund for Children and Families said that there are 16 families, 36 children supported by them and most of these people are families of grandparenting and immigration groups. Their education resources are limited and during cold winters or bad weather days, there are sometimes island sealed occasions so that the delivery of daily needs is affected as well as the transporations. Education resources in Qi Mei are very rare, and people have to leave their hometown whenever they want to continue their high school education. The collection of education funds and resources for those disadvantages is quite hard.