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Home News Corporate Blood Donation Event by Forwell International Lions’ Club Attracted Participations

Blood Donation Event by Forwell International Lions’ Club Attracted Participations

2021-03-19 Written by Chen, Ren-yi (陳仁義) on January 19, 2021; Commercial Times

Changhua County Forwell Lion’s Club dedicates to social activities since its establishment. Those activities include blood donation, national calligraphy contest, mountain cleaning events, international etiquette promotion in elementary schools, and steak offering for the minority groups. Among various events, blood donations take the largest part, reaching over 100 times per year. There are around 12000 bags of blood donated by these efforts, making Forwell Lions’ club on the top among all the Lion’s clubs in Taiwan. Recently, due to the cold waves coming through often, Taiwan is in lack of blood bags and the reservations are less than seven days. On the 17th there were a blood donation activity held in front of Changhua train station to intrigue people’s willingness of blood donation and there were awards to every donation including umbrellas in hope to deal with the needs of blood bags.

Chief of the Forwell Lion’s Club Shen, Tien-shui (沈添水) said that since the cold wave kept coming people were less likely to donate their bloods. Plus the cold and flu issues, there were even less people who are suitable to donate their bloods, making the situation emergent as the reservation is lower than the threshold. Forwell Lion’s Club is an association that used to hold blood donation events and ever since they notice this situation they decided to hold blood donation event and award everyone who came to donate their bloods. There was one person whose last name is Ke (柯) also help the event and sponsored high-end umbrellas to the event. Plus there were lottery activities held and the awards include 40 inch TV screen, Ta Tung electric pot (大同電鍋), bikes, 14 fans, face masks, automatic tissue paper boxes, 3 kg sushi rice bags, tea making pots, and tissue papers.