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Home News Corporate Forwell National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Competition

Forwell National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Competition

Written by Chen, Renyi (陳仁義) on July 28, 2020

For the purpose of the promotion of the art of calligraphy and seal cutting, specializing in calligraphy and seal cutting aesthetics, revitalizing Chinese culture, improving the quality of life, and continuing the promotion of regional cultural education, promoting the learning of calligraphy and seal cutting, and cultivating artistic talents, Forwell catered the ninth consecutive years of the competition in the Changhua County as the "Forwell Cup" National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Competition. The event is held by the Changhua County Calligraphy Society (彰化縣書法學會). On the morning of July 26, the final group finals were held at Yuanlin Home Economics and Commercial Vocational Senior High School (員林家商) with the theme of "Arts with Calligraphy" (藝游書篆). This time is the first time they hold the seal cutting content, which is anticipated to help promoting this art. The art of seal cutting is declining in trend, but they want to make it sound again and pass it on to the next generation. The professional judges make their judges and the results were published and followed with the awarding ceremony. The contest is guided by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, Changhua County Government, Yuanlin City Office, and Homei Township office. The event is coorganized by Yuanlin Home Economics and Commercial Vocational Senior High School, Forwell Changhua County Lion’s Club, and Open Hearted Corp of Changhua (彰化縣開心印社).

During the final contest, President Hsiao of Forwell, President Wu, Chilin (吳啟林) of Chanehua County Calligraphy Society (彰化縣書法學會), former president Lai, Zhanchang (賴展昌), Zhen, Lixun (鄭禮勳), and Liao, Mingliang (廖明亮) were all participated to the event. They offer their warm encourage to the players. Changhua County Magistrate Wang, Huimei (王惠美), chairman of culture Chang, quefen (張雀芬), secretary of Changhua County government Lai, peiran (賴沛然), director Lu Zhenyou (陸振佑) of International Lion’s Club, Forwell Lions’s Club founding president Lou, Chiahui (羅家慧), and the incumbent president Shen, tianshui (沈添水). They all participated in the event and help awarding.

In the final contest, the top three of each contest group are the best excellent award. The top three of junior and middle class group are Li, Dongteng (李東騰), Xue, Yihan (薛伊涵), Huang, Yenchen (黃彥晨), and the top three of the senior group are Chen, Junni (陳君妮), Chang, Jinxuan (張敬煊), Huang, Yuhan (黃鈺涵). These are the elementary school groups. The top three of the junior high school are Lin, Zixin (林子心), Liu, Hanyun (劉瀚云), Xu, Ziyuan (徐子媛). The top three of the college and senior high school are Lai Zhongyi (賴忠毅), Wu, Guande (吳冠德), Chang, Jiawei (張佳薇). Top three of the adult group are Ye, Xiuhong (葉修宏), Ke, Rongzhong (柯榮忠), Chang, Jiarong (張家榮). Top three of the elder group are Chen, Hencong (陳恒聰), Jiang, Junren (姜俊任), Chen, Binlien (陳秉廉). The top three of seal cutting are Shi, Xiangyou (施翔友), Huang, Jinyen (黃靖諺), and Gu, Yuanchi (古員齊).

Wu Qilin (吳啟林), chairman of the Calligraphy Society of Changhua County, pointed out that despite the impact of the Covid-19 this year, registration is still active. There are nearly a thousand calligraphy works sent to the competition, and 330 of the participants succeeded in entering the final contests. The first seal cutting contest was also held and the judges were all national class members. Chairman Wu appreciate the support of Forwell Group for the nine years’ dedications.

President Hsiao said that the Forwell Cup Calligraphy Content has been to the ninth annual sessions, and the event has gained many recognition by great calligraphy masters. They like to come and thie event has become a great event in the calligraphy field. President Hsiao shared that due to the computer popularity, calligraphy arts are nearly extinct, so with this contest event, this year there are thirty experts gathered here. It is hoped that with this efforts the Chinese culture can be inherited and the event can be held next year smoothly.