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Home News Corporate FORWELL builds a smart mold management system demonstration plant to create new milestones

FORWELL builds a smart mold management system demonstration plant to create new milestones

文 陳仁義 2019.09.10
Industrial Germany was developed in the 18th and 19th centuries and has always had an important leading position in the world. By participating in the EMO International Exhibition in Hannover, Germany, the Taiwanese machinery industry can not only improve international visibility and obtain orders from various countries, but also observe German manufacturing technology and precision, durability, and the added value and international competitiveness of mechanical development. At the same time, due to the impact of Sino-US trade conflicts, the economic and industrial development of Taiwan’s largest exporter of machinery in China was directly affected, and Taiwan’s machinery industry was also affected. Therefore, if some markets are transferred to Europe and Southeast Asia, the market can be safely avoided.
The president of FORWELL and also the chairman of the TAMI metal forming committee,Wen-lung Hsiao pointed out that although the Sino-US trade conflict has no direct impact on Taiwan’s exports, it has affected the global economic development. Most industries in the world are conservative and have less investment, resulting in a 6% decline in exports of Taiwan’s machine tools in the first half of 2019. Other parts of the mechanical decline are as high as 20~30%. At present, the order status is not satisfactory, and the number of Japanese machine tools has also dropped significantly. It is estimated that it will be optimistic if it can be flat in the second half of the year. Even if the Sino-US trade war is temporarily suspended, there are still many uncertainties.
In fact, both China and the United States are major export markets for most industries in Taiwan, and can be said to be an important lifeline for maintaining Taiwanese enterprises. Sino-US trade conflicts will cause many Taiwanese industries to become victims of trade scams. This also causes the demand and development of the smart machinery market to be far less than expected, and to face the rigorous challenges of actively investing in the development of smart machinery.
According to Wen-lung Hsiao the trend of international economic development may be as clear as possible after the end of the 2020 US presidential election. Mainly because even if Trump succeeded in re-election, under the pressure of re-election without paying political views, the chances of Sino-US trade problems being solved were greatly increased. In this way, the purchasing power of the market can be effectively improved, and then the development of the economy should be restored.
Wen-lung Hsiao said that FORWELL is a cross-strait leading manufacturer of intelligent equipment for rapid change of mold system. Due to the poor economic situation, FORWELL has not achieved the expected target even since 2018, but in addition to internal consolidation and rectification. In addition to research and development of new products, we continue to build a demonstration plant for the “Smart Tool Management System”, which has been actively developed in recent years, in the Huaian’s plant in the mainland. By then, the demonstration plant will be able to integrate automotive parts and components with rubber and metal parts. Demonstration production of sample proofing will provide a more complete demonstration of the smart molding line.
The “Smart Tool Management System” of the “Industry 4.0” concept covers a total of three systems, including the mass-produced “Mold Transfer System” (Automatic Die Change Cart System), “Mold Automatic Storage System” and can be used in molds. “Mold maintenance system” for maintenance work before automatic deposit. The system can effectively assist the automatic replacement, transportation, transportation, access, storage and maintenance of molds for injection molding and metal forming. In this way, we will establish a fast, safe, easy, and systematic consistent “smart” mold management system.