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Home News Corporate The 8th Forwell Calligraphy Contest & Award

The 8th Forwell Calligraphy Contest & Award

Written by Chen Ren-Yi (陳仁義) on July 16, 2019

In order to promote the art of calligraphy, taking enrooted in calligraphy aesthetics, revitalizing Chinese culture, enhancing the quality of life, and promoting regional cultural education, promoting the study of calligraphy and to cultivate arts and cultural talents, the Changhua County Government is jointly owned by the Yuanlin City Office for an event. The event is under the guidance of the latter and is held by Changhua County Calligraphy Society, and is exclusive sponsored by Forwell Company; the event is the 8th "Forwell Cup" National Calligraphy Competition, which is co-organized by Forwell Lions Club and National Yuanlin Home-Economics & Commercial Vocational Senior High School; and besides the contest, there is also another poet contest “108 National Poetry” held On the 14th of the month. Each group's final contests were held at the National Yuanlin Home-Economics & Commercial Vocational Senior High School on the 14th.

The group of calligraphers who participated in the finals held a high-pitched performance on the same day, and organizers conducted judging and awarding. The first batch of calligraphy works reached 1,235 pieces, and each group was selected into 50 works and a total of 300 people entered the finals.

The Changhua County Calligraphy Society said that Forwell has been supporting the national calligraphy competition for eight consecutive years, so this event can inherit and promote the Chinese traditional culture calligraphy aesthetics. Moreover, This event also cultivated a lot of calligraphy talents, so in order to thank the Forwell factory for the 35th anniversary this year, this year, the "108 National Poetry Competition" was held in the theme of "Fu Wei Seiki", in order to promote the education of poetry. And the award-winning works as the title of each group of calligraphy finals, to appreciate FForwell's long-term commitment to the inheritance and dedication of Chinese traditional culture. Forwell not only exerts the spirit of enterprise efforts, but also contributes to promoting traditional culture, purifying people's hearts and guiding the social atmosphere.

Among them, the content of Huang Qingshan (黃青山), the winner of the written poetry, is as follows: "富偉精機卅五秋,換模迅速領潮流,安全設備經營善,確實鑽研品質優;豹略開基揚寶島,鴻圖拓業耀神州,獎膺國際譽無敵,商界傳芳萬古留”; and the social group Qiu Linyuan (邱琳媛)won the first place.

In the 8th "Forwell Cup" National Calligraphy Competition, the top three finals of each group were: 

Elder Group
Wu Huachun, Lin Xingjiao, Chen Jinhe (吳華春、林杏嬌、陳金河)

Social group
Qiu Linyuan, Guo Bozhen, Hou Qingqin (邱琳媛、郭博鈞、侯清欽)

College & high school group
Huang Guanyu, Shi Xiaohan, Chen Jinghe (黃冠瑜、施曉涵、陳敬和)

Junior High School Group
Wu Yigeng, Wu Peirun, Zhan Kaiting (武以耕、巫沛倫、湛凱婷)

Elementary School, senior grade group
Qian Yiren, Xu Ziyuan, Yu Yuen (錢宥任、徐子媛、余宥恩)

Elementary School, middle grade group
Tang Mi, Chen Zhixuan, Liu Zijun (唐蜜、陳祉瑄、劉籽均).