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Home News Corporate Forwell Held “Home Karaoke Contest”to Promote Health, Peace, and Warmth.

Forwell Held “Home Karaoke Contest”to Promote Health, Peace, and Warmth.

Written by Chen, Ren-Yi (陳仁義) on June4, 2019

Forwell has been actively involved in fulfilling corporate social responsibility, giving back to social welfare activities, and providing vulnerable social assistance for many years. Under the leadership of President Hsiao, a special "Seven Hometown Cup Seven Anti Karaoke Charity Competition" was held in conjunction with the organizer. The first game was held on the 2nd and there is another on the 7th.

This charity singing contest starts from the central region of Taiwan and will host a seven anti-singing charity competition in each township. This activity has gradually expanded to all of Taiwan. The organizer invites the public to join the community as a common language to promote the concepts of "anti-drug, anti-fraud, anti-drunk driving, anti-home violence, anti-bullying, anti-pollution, anti-crashing" as it aims to rebuild social order and a better moral culture. Even the stars from the singing competitions all over the country are ready to go and sing, hoping to win the contest.

In order to achieve the fairness of the competition and the credibility of the competition, the organizers of the seven anti-singing charity competitions hired professional senior music instructors to serve as the jury, and the chief producers who have not appeared for a long time has served also as the judges. The registration fee for this charity singing contest is only 500 NTD, and a personal music video record is added as a gift. In addition to the rich bonuses, the prizes of Changhua’s local enterprises can be taken home.

It is interesting that on the day of the competition, the contest procedure will also be broadcasted as live broadcast through the YOUTUBE public service channel. The top five winners will also become the contracted singer contract and will perform at the "Love Sharing and Warming Lotto Party".

In order to promote the appropriate leisure activities of Changhua County, even President Hsiao of Forwell has developed a leading manufacturer of intelligent and rapid changeover systems across the Taiwan Strait, his idea about doing good to the society still cannot be erased. The spirit of public welfare activities is "Grateful Service, Sincere Friendship" and is the annual theme of President Hsiao when he was the Director of the International Lions Club 300-C3 District from year 2015 to 2016. It is also the best spiritual portrayal of Hsiao's active participation in the charity with "Grateful Feedback". He moves actively to social welfare, and this time he sponsors the seven anti-singing charity competition.