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Home News Corporate Forwell Automatic QMCS Cart System Advanced Safety, Energy Conservation, and Price-performance Effects

Forwell Automatic QMCS Cart System Advanced Safety, Energy Conservation, and Price-performance Effects

Written ByDai Chen(戴辰) on January 9, 2019; Economic Daily News

"President Hsiao of Forwell is with more than three decades of experience in the sectors of quick mold and die change system. He stated that the importation of QMCS & QDCS (Quick Mold/ Die Change System) can shorten mold-change time in a significant scale and can improve the overall facility effectiveness. Moreover, as he stated that, the two systems can also satisfy the small-volume-but-large-variety manufacture model; thus with the systems, customers’ stock reserves can be lesser, while item quality can be better, and mold/ die lifespan can be longer. The systems can also help reduce manpower cost as well as occupational injury rate, achieving the goal of better productivity and factory management.

Hsiao shared that the QMCS for injection molding machines utilizes air pressure to activate hydraulic pressure, and to modify the valve pressure ratio. The benefit of this design is, once there are accidents such as power failure occurs or air pressure is lost due to certain technical issues, the hydraulic pressure will stay still for a long period of time. This air-hydraulic mechanism promises safety, lower energy consumption, longer lifespan of molds, and great convenience for onsite operators, realizing high quality production.

The QMCS carts are with different types. One is the “One for all” and the other is “Semi-automatic” types. The former can achieve automatic transmission of loading and unloading of molds, and the later delivers semi-automatic loading and unloading movements. These types of carts can deal with large molds ranging from 3 to 15 tons, processing loading, unloading, positioning, and clamping automatically. The cart system is three times cheaper compared to Japanese competitors. The prices of Forwell QMCS are competitive and highly acceptable on the market, easily realizing safer, quicker, and productive mold change process for factory owners. If you want to introduce this system into your factory, we are willing to assist you with facility, site-planning, construction, trial operation, and product education.

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