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Home News Corporate Forwell’s Flagship In the Smart Era: The Smart Die & Mold Management System

Forwell’s Flagship In the Smart Era: The Smart Die & Mold Management System


By戴辰, October 24, 2018; at 03:26

Under the guidance of Smart Manufacturing made by President Hsiao, Forwell team has successfully developed the exclusive “Smart Die & Mold Management System” for the cross-strait industrial users. This system integrates and simplifies the complicated mold and dies management procedure and makes it simple and integrated.

Hsiao shares that, the system can proceed mold/ die change, transmission (automatic cart system), automatic storage system, and maintenance system. Hence this system can process change, transmission, carrying, warehousing, storage, and maintenance at one time.

The system is designed with utilization data recording functions for molds and dies, and will include other inspection system as well as a reporting system in the future for the control center. In the near future, once connected with the IoT technology, it can achieve the goal of Industry 4.0. This system is highly customized according to users’ manufacturing plant, machinery arrangement, transmission route of molds and dies, etc. Therefore it is a service with higher technological demands for competitors, and this essence ensures Forwell’s competitiveness in the market.

President Hsiao urges that industrial insiders shall prepare themselves for the coming era of Industry 4.0 by upgrading their facilities such as automation, smart management, big data, and robotic technology.

Now business owners in Taiwan and China are working hard to deal with the manpower and growing wage issues by utilizing smart technology. Many Taiwanese business owners would estimate the capability of process upgrade, productivity improvement, and cost down function when they are purchasing their capital goods because with only with these feature can they become more competitive in the market.

President Hsiao emphasizes that industrial sectors will work with the big data technology suppliers in order to broaden their applications, and suppliers from different sectors have to learn from each other. With the efforts made by everybody, the realization of smart manufacturing is thus achieved.