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Home News Corporate International Lions’ Club 300-C3 Contributes to the Global Village by Offering Water Station Construction in Kyrgyzstan

International Lions’ Club 300-C3 Contributes to the Global Village by Offering Water Station Construction in Kyrgyzstan

By陳仁義, October 15, 2018

President Hsiao of Forwell, the former director of International Lions’ Club works with officials of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families to reach Kyrgyzstan and bring them livelihood support by offering water station constructions. There are totally 35 members participated in the activity, including people from other Taiwanese welfare associations such as Chenggong and Yuda Lions’ Clubs.

Former director Hsiao stated that, this effort is intrigued because they are told about local people’s situation in Kyrgyzstan through Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. They have donated 2.5 million NTD for this construction program and the program is going well in the local area. At the meanwhile, villagers’ houses there are implanted with pipes so that in the future they no longer need to carry water cans walking over 2 kilometers for water supply. That is, people there are able to enjoy a more convenient life with tap technology, which would also solve many hygienic issues.

Senior officials of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, Chairman Zhao, states that the Kyrgyzstan branch is one of the branch of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, offering supports for 2,367 families and 7,480 poor children. In the old days, taking a bath is so luxurious due to the lack of water supply so that even toilet system is a difficult issue, which cause many diseases and hygienic problems. Now with the water station, their problems are hence solved in a great scale.

Chairman Zhao points out that helping children all over the world as well as their family members are the primary goals of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. In Kyrgyzstan, they works with Kyrgyzstan TFCF to expand the existing service to over 7,000 children. He is happy that now they can enjoy a clean water supply and chairman Zhao appreciate President Hsiao’s efforts. The Taiwan Fund for Children and Families will move forwards to change children’s living conditions.

President Hsiao is also a board member of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, and he believes that this program will definitely change the life of many children in Kyrgyzstan. Now there are still more than 2,000 poor foreign children need to be adopted, and people are welcome to join this program named “Integrating the Smiles of Children All over the World” (串起世界兒童的微笑) together with Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. It takes 700 NTD to adopt and contribute your help. The adoption line is +886422061234 ext.157. You are welcome to join this program.