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Home News Corporate Forwell Develops Smart QDCS & QMCS

Forwell Develops Smart QDCS & QMCS

By陳仁義, August 15, 2018

The concept of Industry 4.0 is a global trend that enterprises in the world nowadays are trying to keep up with. This concept is an important basis for enterprises to construct their advantages. Therefore, even if companies all over the world are facing the bad economic environment, they still spend a lot of resources on the realization of Industry 4.0 inside their factories, including many smart manufacturing programs. However, it is observed that the development of Industry 4.0 by those manufacturers is not ideal. There are experts shared that in order to realize this concept ideally, some key issues need to be dealt with first, such as upgraded management, investment, and technological thresholds. More importantly, it is the real market demands that decide the development of their endeavors.

President Hsiao of Forwell stated that under the impact of Sino-US trade war, the world market is severely injured. European countries now have joined this war, further expanding the impact of this crisis. Furthermore, Taiwan’s politic situations further cause recession of the domestic economy. Influenced by these two factors, Taiwan’s economy makes no practical benefits to citizens even if the stock market shows positive numbers as it breaks 10,000 points currently. Under these circumstances, it is critical for Taiwanese manufacturers to develop smart manufacturing models in their manufacturing plants. Government shall give more intensive measures to encourage private companies on the business upgrade program, such as tax reduction, capital goods subsidy, and other measures. The sooner we are prepared for smart manufacturing, the more we can establish our competitiveness in the global market.

President Hsiao shared that now companies all over the world are developing their technology regarding modern ideas such as Industry 4.0, AI, smart machinery, and IoT. The speed of their development determines the result of their business. On the other hand, although the world economy is not good, market development in mainland China is still good, showing 5% to 10% growth, which is much better than the market in Taiwan. President Hsiao pointed out that if Taiwan’s manufacturers cannot upgrade their industrial competitiveness in time, other endeavors they are doing now would be effortless. Hsiao expected that manufacturers have to bring the data into their manufacturing facilities and integrate their technology with experts working in other sectors, developing an integrated and comprehensive business model that includes their existing professional expertise with big data, telecommunication networking, and logistics. Only with the assistance of the corresponding data, digital records, reference & analysis, can Taiwan’s manufacturers make the right decision about business development.

Forwell is an cutting-edge supplier of QDCS and QMCS, offering industrial solutions for plastics injection and metal pressing suppliers. President Hsiao knows that it is critical for manufacturers to introduce the idea of “smart manufacturing” to their manufacturing plants, and is willing to help them towards this goal. Encountering with the order demands of small amount but diversified orders, suppliers’ best choice is Forwell’s smart mold and die management solution.