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Home News Corporate Lions Clubs 300-C3 Division and Changhua Children and Families Held Charity Fair

Lions Clubs 300-C3 Division and Changhua Children and Families Held Charity Fair

Commercial Times Chen Ren-yi
Division 300-C3 of Lions Club International worked with Changhua Children and Families (彰化家扶) to hold charity fair at the end of the year. Even the economy was bad, people were still generous to donate for helping the needy, making the scene very warm. The fair had recruited more than 130 booths and about a hundred corporates, societies, and people to join the event. People gathered to contribute to the fund for children and new building construction. During the fair, organizer distributed coupons to the needy for them to make exchange for the daily commodities.

The fair was directed by both Director Hsiao of Lions Clubs Division 300-C3 and Chairman Zhou Wen Deng of Children and Families Committee (家扶扶委會) and the first donation bell was hit by Director Hsiao. Director Hsiao stated that he hopes this kind of activities can help to initiate more donations to the needy. The total donation from all the people participated this time was 4.8 million NTD, which will be used in the charity for children and the construction project, increasing benefits for the children.